Um, yeah, so don’t look for the podcast with Natalie Brown of Sophie. I got stood up again, on the first week of my experiment to streamline the show by having only one guest. At least that means I can scrap the whole show instead of having my efforts to badly fill time out there as a podcast for eternity.
Podcast cancelled
by Diane Wild | May 25, 2008 | Canadian TV | 5 comments
Hmmm. I wondered.
Maybe 2 guests might be the best way to go in the future. You know…one actor, one grownup.
Yup. I said it.
Awww..that sucks. Oh well, you still get paid right…um…what?
Thanks for indulging my bitterness 😉
I’m on a crusade to stop Canadian showbiz types from using the word “Bitter”. It gives people an excuse not to take us seriously.
Diane, you were merely “disappointed” as were your fans.
Unfortunately, it seems the numbers for “Sophie” are so good that CBC, the show and its star have absolutely no need to attract anybody else to their series.
I hope they enjoy your review of the opening episode of Season Two.
You crack me up, Jim. It’s hard to be bitter when I’m laughing.
Since I’m not a showbiz type, I’m an audience type, I reserve the right to be bitter again in the future. No one takes us seriously anyway.
Oops, did that sound bitter?