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So this was the happy news I alluded to way back when – I’ll be covering the Banff World Television Festival for Blogcritics in June. For this series, just to honour the media accreditation rules to a T, anything I write based on actually attending the festival I’m not going to cross-post here, but I will post links.

Starting with the overview post below, I’ll be writing articles leading up to the festival, at the festival, and afterwards, as I try to make the most of my time there and take advantage of the fact that I can write pretty much what I want at Blogcritics – screw reader saturation. Besides covering the festival itself, I’ll be doing a pre-festival interview soon with one of the Master Class presenters (no, not that one, House fans), and I’ll try to write some post-festival analysis articles on trends and innovations in the industry and how they affect creators and consumers (yeah, that’s a direct quote from my accreditation request).

I’m excited at how much fuel for material this should provide a TV and behind-the-scenes geek like me. Oh, I’ll try to make it interesting for you, too.