Nothing better than a long weekend to catch up on writing my Blogcritics book reviews:
- Book Review: Rick Mercer Report: The Book by Rick Mercer
“I love spite. I Rick Mercer. I love his show, I love his blog. For that reason, I probably didn’t need his book, which brought very little new into the mix.” (But you’ll see I’m basically recommending it despite that.)
While I could have just not linked to this next one, instead I’ll bury it a little (it was published earlier). It’s quite possibly the worst thing I’ve ever written — a “review” of a book that was so far over my head, I couldn’t read it:
- Book Review: Writing Drama by Yves Lavandier
“I reviewed Alex Epstein’s Crafty TV Writing and eagerly lapped up the easy-to-digest toolkit as a peek into the process; however, Writing Drama is a dense text I’d have to get academic credit for in order to read from cover to cover.” Read more. Or don’t.