Well hello there. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Since I have nothing to say today, either, here’s some followup to a couple of previous posts.
First, that Macleans article where I diss the executive producer of Canadian Idol is online now: Nothing More Than an Idol Threat? When I told my brother that I may have called the guy absurd, ridiculous, and desperate, but at least not idiotic, he sent me this, saying I’d obviously not read the article carefully:
Also, remember cute or creepy Oscar the cat, who predicts hospice home deaths? I hope so – that was my last post. Anyway, naturally the LOLcat folks have come out in full force:
Photos from Fark forum folks.
Maybe it’s wrong – but I find the LOLZ CATS especially funny today. Thanks for posting!
I enjoy your brother’s sense of humour. And admire his mad Photoshop skills.