This Sunday, Sept. 7, I’ve got Chris and John of Chris & John to the Rescue on the TV, eh? show on Blogtalkradio. Tune in at 11 am Pacific/2 pm Eastern for the live show or catch the podcast later. These guys are hilarious and I have a soft spot for them because they send me information for TV, eh? regularly. Their 3rd season is in production for OutTV in Canada and here! Networks in the US, and Chris & John To The Rescue: Season 2 is coming to DVD on Oct. 14.
Sept. 14, filmmaker John Curtin guests to talk about his CTV documentary To Hell With Manners! The Decline of Civility (airing Sept. 20 at 7 pm). As an Internet denizen (where civility isn’t inflammatory enough to be valued), a previous resident of Mexico City (whose female-only subway cars are featured in the doc), and a fan of House (the long-distance runner of incivility), I’m looking forward to this one.
Coming up, some of the returning fall series will make an appearance on the show, so stay tuned.