- Start harassing TV writers for interviews again and quit using the lame excuse that I’m too busy with actual work.
- Find a way to win the lottery without ever having to buy a ticket so I can retire, travel the world and do whatever I want without being too busy with actual work.
- Plan a vacation that lasts more than a week and crosses more than 1 time zone. See resolution number 2.
More fluffy kitties. Fewer debates with irrational people.
- Maintain low expectations for awards shows.
- Spearhead a revolution if Hugh Laurie does not win an Emmy.
- Try not to use the word “smug” when describing my country’s psyche. At least not in public.
- Don’t thank cops who give me tickets. Don’t apologize to people who bump into me. Don’t be smug. Find other ways to be patriotic.
- Latch on to some random industry I know little about and launch a website to promote it.
- Stop making New Year’s resolutions.
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Spearhead a revolution if Hugh Laurie does not win an Emmy.
I will mount the army my general 😀
Re #8: I do so hope the funding comes through for us on Alex’s proposed short. You’ll laugh your toque off.
¡Desde la tierra natal del Che Guevara, estoy lista para el combate también! (aunque mis modos revolucionarios sean más los John Lennon…)
Happy New Year!
Webs, I’ve got my fingers crossed. And Dave, now we’ve got Julia on our side:
From the birthplace of Che Guevara, I’m ready for the combat too! (Although my revolutionary methods would be more like those of John Lennon.)
Yeah, I’m all talk – in reality, my revolution will consist of being very peeved.
hey, we have the same cat — only yours appears to actually like you!
My cat loves me. I can safely say he loves you, too. He loves everyone.
But me best of all. So I tell myself.