Continuing my series of ultra-low-effort posts (hey, I’m on vacation), here’s a cool site for those unimpaired by vanity. Via Pop Candy, it’s the St. Andrews Face Transformer, from the computer science department at the University of St. Andrews. You can make yourself look old, like a creepy baby (or maybe that’s just me), or drawn in various artistic styles.
This one’s nice – it’s Mucha style:
Slightly less attractive, it’s masculine me:
And let’s leave it on the not so repulsive Botticelli:

Oddly enough, I am rather attractive as a man and bear an eerie resemblance to Daniel Day Lewis. And I’ve always had a bit of a crush on him. I’m more than a little disturbed.
But, I digress. The point of this comment is: ha ha, you’re an ugly man & I’m not!
Those pics are so…odd, and yet, very cool-looking. Thanks for posting that link, Diane. I think I’ll go check it out.