Pop Candy, Whitney Matheson of USA Today’s blog “unwrapping pop culture’s hip and hidden treasures,” is pretty much the only thing you need to read to keep up with the cool. She covers music, TV, books, movies, and Internet phenomenon, posting several times a day (in defense of slacker bloggers like me — or maybe it’s more of a defense of her — it’s her job). There’s bound to be at least one or two great recommendations that suit your taste in the plethora of links she throws her readers’ way. I’ve linked to her a few times lately for fun things like this:
That’s me in letters and symbols, from t.y.p.o.r.g.a.n.i.s.m.: ASCII-O-Matic. You can also convert pictures into boxes, and either black and white or colour.
Pop Candy is going on vacation for a couple of weeks, but now would be a great time to catch up on what you’ve been missing.
Very cool!!