Tomorrow (Wednesday, April 9) at 4 pm Pacific time I’ll be on TV Talk, an internet radio show hosted by Shaun “OMac” Daily (the guy credited with putting the nuts in Jericho’s fan campaign). I’ll be on after the TV Squad people, talking about Canadian TV. It’s a live call-in show so feel free to call in at 1-646-915-9925, or check to see if there’s a Click to Talk button when the show’s live.
I hadn’t meant to announce this so soon, but the reason for that appearance is that I’ll be relaunching the sporadic TV, eh? podcast as a monthly radio show on Blogtalkradio.
It’ll be under the Blogcritics (aka “BC Magazine”) channel, and produced with the participation of a great group of people from Canadian TV circles: fans, critics, industry folks. (Want to participate? Let me know.).
Stay tuned for more information on the first show, but it’ll air live on Sunday, April 20 at 2 pm EDT then be available as a podcast afterwards. It looks like it will be monthly for now, on the third Sunday of each month at 2 pm EDT. Terrible time to ensure guests and live callers, I know, but the best time to ensure a host (aka me). Can’t win ’em all.
Partly because of the Blogcritics connection, partly because of the live call-in element, partly because of how much like pulling teeth it was to arrange the previous podcasts, it won’t focus exclusively on Canadian shows. It will be Canucks talking television in all its forms, and of course all Internet citizens are welcome to join in as guests and call-in visitors. No, this isn’t an excuse to let me talk a bit about House and Pushing Daisies under the TV, eh? banner. That’s just a bonus.