Throughout my Olympic experience, I’ve been obsessed with countdowns. It was built into the job: look at the IOC site and you’ll see they’re already counting down to London 2012 (859 days) and Sochi 2014 (1419 days). I’m guessing the only reason Rio 2016 isn’t up there yet is that it’s too depressing when you get past a few thousand days. We even got cake at 400 days remaining to Vancouver 2010.
The countdowns gave me milestones to reach along the way to the One Big Milestone, a way to keep track of time when it seemed endless, and something to look forward to during the often-gruelling planning phase. I blocked out the coworkers who pointed out that I was obsessively counting down to when it got REALLY crazy. In fact Games time was all the insanity with all the fun, so I feel vindicated.
The countdown as it stands now is:
- 1 day left in Paralympics
- 2 days left of having an office and work email, cell phone, computer, and network access
- 4 days left on my contract
And this means it’s now:
- 7 days until my first-ever Vegas experience
- 13 days until my San Francisco to Vancouver coastal road trip
- 26 days until my dream vacation to Egypt
I didn’t mean to spend my entire April on vacation, though I did mean to spend it blissfully unemployed. Needing something non-work related to look forward to when the hours were particularly brutal and frustrations particularly high, I started sending out feelers on vacation plans with various friends, not expecting them all to pan out. Yes, poor me, I have too many plans I’m excited about jammed into one month. Try not to cry for me.
What this means for this newly revived blog*:
- 8 days until Vegas babble
- 14 days until San Francisco to Vancouver coastal road trip babble
- 27 days until Egypt babble