Another writing exercise Elee shared with us (see first post – these are meant to spur creativity) was to provide a list of 14 random book titles and have us write as many of them as we liked into a piece of writing. She just had a poem created through this method published in an anthology.
So if you want to duplicate it, snoop at a friend’s bookshelf and write down several titles. Or you could use your own bookshelf.
Here’s what I came up with (provided titles are bolded, though you could probably have spotted them anyway because my writing isn’t by nature as poetic as this exercise forces it to be):
I plot my flight from the enchanter, that killer poker-faced man, but I find us falling together into the great turning void where I generate the necessary illusions to keep us connected. What the night tells the day is that we both fill our voids with these unsafe practices to quiet the little stranger in our heads, the one who guards the floating book of secrets no one else will understand.